The psychology of people during lockdown

When the Covid-19 pandemic started last year, little was known about the impact that lockdowns could have on the population on such a large scale. The constant confinement and restriction of movement has caused discomfort, anxiety, and fear to thousands of people. Some people experience depression, while others look for a way out by using […]

Have you heard of Christmas Depression?

For the most people, Christmas is intertwined in our minds with images, emotions but also with family moments that are carefree and tender. The magic of Christmas creates a sense of euphoria and optimism while people remember their childhood years with nostalgia. In contrast to the social, festive and happy profile of Christmas, which is […]

The concept of self-confidence in sports

Although athletes and coaches are constantly talking about self-confidence, it is not easy to define it. Sports psychologists define self-confidence as a personal belief in successfully performing a desired behavior. The desired behavior can be anything related to the sport, the point is to be able to achieve it. Self-confidence can refer to something that […]

The Three Structures of Psychoanalysis

What is psychoanalysis? Is it important to know its significance and structures? In the field of psychoanalysis, the main representatives are Freud and Lacan who introduced important theories and techniques about the human psyche and the exploration of the unconscious. The diagnosis is an integral part of treatment and starts from the first sessions so […]