How to better define a brand niche

Niche marketing is a strategy that is often overlooked. It can be the key to success for small businesses and start-ups who are trying to get their brand out there. Niche marketing means choosing a specific market or audience segment and targeting that particular group with your product or service. A brand niche will help […]

Marketing solutions for SMEs

Today SMEs are facing intense competition, especially with the rapid development of e-commerce driven by big international companies. Thus it is evident that they need to come up with smart, innovative, and original marketing ideas. Being physically present no longer guarantees sales, as many SMEs had to find out the hard way during the recent […]

Intellectual Property 101

Intellectual property is a serious matter, which is key to protect it. Both companies and individuals can and should protect their intellectual property through patents, registered trademarks and/or copyrights from being copied, illegally used, or stolen. Patents protect inventions or discoveries, while trademarks serve to identify the source of goods or services. Copyrights protect original […]

Tips for good business communication

Communication is key to organizational success. It is a keystone of business and team culture. Communication ensures that everyone has the same vision and a shared understanding of a company’s goals. The importance of communication in the workplace can therefore not be overstated. Without good communication, it becomes difficult to plan tasks and projects, establish […]

Work fluidity in the 21st century

During the past decades, the needs of the labor market, as well as the work trends were implying a simple career path: one’s profession was entirely determined by their field of studies. The job market seemed accessible enough, and the career opportunities were specific. Accountants, salespeople, lawyers, and teachers were some typical professions. Of course, […]

Small businesses and e-commerce: A difficult undertaking

During the past months, and especially after the outbreak of the Coronavirus, the trend of online shopping has increased a lot. Because of the restriction measures and the consecutive lockdown decisions, it has been made easier and more preferable to shop online. Not only the fashion industry, but also supermarkets, toy stores, pharmacies and cosmetic […]

Digitalization… a new era!

A few years ago, a new “trend” emerged as a number of entities, enterprises, innovation hubs etc. introduced a ground-breaking practice: online events; instead of holding actual physical events like meetings, trainings or interviews, they organized the activities as online-events. It wasn’t the best way to attend such an activity, but at least it would […]

Why Corporate Social Responsibility is important

CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility and describes the business strategy of giving back to the community. When initiating CSR programs, the companies dedicate parts of their profits in order to create a positive impact on the local community. The corporate initiatives can be either financial support, or volunteer-driven activities, or even the raise of […]

SMEs and the EU: The Small Business Act

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the European framework. According to the European Commission, SMEs represent the 99% of all businesses within the EU and have immensely contributed to a series of economic and social aspects at a regional, national and international level. Employability, innovation, regional development, economies of scale, […]

Is Emotional Intelligence measurable?

Lately, we’ve been hearing more and more about the meaning of emotional intelligence (EI). According to its basic definition, emotional intelligence is the ability that people use to recognize and define the feelings of themselves and the people around them. According to theories about emotional intelligence, this ability can lead to the development of leadership […]