The Power of Communication: Key to Effective Entrepreneurship
As the linchpin holding all business functions together, effective communication wields immense power within an organization. For entrepreneurs in particular, strong communication competencies directly impact success across operational areas from product development and marketing to customer service and personnel management. By conscious effort though, any founder can significantly enhance their communication abilities and in turn, […]

Unlocking Leadership Potential: A Guide for Educators and Executives
Cultivating strong leadership has never been more critical for organizations and society. Yet developing the skills and mindset required for effective leadership can be challenging. Educators and business professionals seeking to unlock latent potential in students and employees will benefit from modern approaches grounded in psychology research. Recent studies provide insight into cultivating core leadership […]

Discussing Leadership Issues …
An analysis of the role of leadership and its participation as a factor in the business outcome could not be absent from the research environment of the general reflection that develops here regarding the operation of companies. It is a fact of course that for many leadership is confused with management. Before attempting to approach […]

What self-regulation actually is …
Self-regulation has become progressively an interesting and popular topic in psychological science in the last decades. More and more scientists claim the important contribution of self-regulation from early life to adulthood. Self-regulation is a learned behavior that allows us to interact and communicate with other people. Self-regulation is involving the brain’s part known as the […]

China’s upcoming global domination
As Covid-19 vaccines are gradually delivered and received by people all around the world, we gradually move towards the end of the pandemic and the expected return to normalcy. The moment when no more lockdowns, social distancing or other Covid-19 restrictions are needed is getting closer by the day. But once the dust settles down, […]

The Best Leaders Are Great Teachers
Kundapur Vaman Kamath was a teacher. But he didn’t work at a school or stand in front of a class. Instead, he delivered his lessons at the office—to the employees who served under him during his four decades as a senior executive at, and then CEO of, India’s ICICI Bank. Whether he was offering tips […]

How to Stop Delegating and Start Teaching
As a college professor, I regularly train PhD students. In psychology and most fields of science, students are assigned to a project early on in their studies and learn key skills through an apprenticeship model. Many go on to projects related to more specific research goals, and are eventually taught to design their own studies […]