How Parenting Styles and Parenting Practices related into Children’s School Achievement
From the begging of humankind, the role parents implement on their children’s development and educational growth, is fundamental and numerous of researches had studied direct and indirect effects on plenty variants as children temperament, socioeconomical background, ethnicity, education, culture etc. on this field (Checa & Abundis-Guitiérrez, 2017; Trentacosta & Mulligan, 2020). Psychologist intended to find […]
Didactics: 5 Critical Issues that You Need to Look Out For
Challenges of didactics and its importance on a higher education system When teaching a class, teachers have to make sure that they are following the right method. This helps them understand the content and make it as easy to digestible for their students. The problem with traditional methods is that they involve providing a lot […]
How Teachers Can Improve their Teaching Style by Utilizing New Technology
What is a Learning Management System? A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software that provides a digital space in which people can learn and share information. LMSs are designed to make sure that the individual has a safe environment for their learning. It manages their progress, tracks their performance, and offers feedback to help […]
Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation in the learning context
(Before that, please read part A) Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are highly correlated with the learning process. Some scientists argue that emphasizing external rewards, grades, or scholarships for example, would result in weakening learner’s intrinsic motivation. Others support that extrinsic motivation increases intrinsic motivation and contributes on enhancing learner’s performance in class (Bray & McClaskey, […]
Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation
Although motivation is one of the most important factors on individual’s behavior, little is known in this field and only in the last decades scientists are putting an effort to shed light on this significant element of human construct and performance. In accordance to self-determination theory SDT (Ryan & Deci 2000), there are two types […]
Creating entertainment, an educational approach
It is a well-known fact that the spread of COVID-19 affects various parts of our modern society in many ways. Entertainment and creative sectors seem to have to deal with devastating losses in terms of economy and employment. The United Kingdom is already reporting more than 400.000 jobs lost and a 74 billion revenue decrease […]
Ηow asking questions helps reading comprehension
The development of self-regulatory strategies is a teaching model that contributes positively to the improvement of the weaknesses presented by students (Harris, & Graham, 1996, as referred in Kampylafka, Gakis, & Antoniou, 2016) with double objective a) the development of metacognitive skills and b) the reduction of inaccessible attitudes and behaviors (Kampylafka, Gakis, & Antoniou, […]
Classrooms in education through COVID-19
It is a well-known fact that the spread of the COVID-19 virus has already affected a huge amount of human activities, especially the ones that require physical interaction. Education has received a huge shock, as of March 12, since twenty-six countries have completely closed schools nationwide, affecting the learning process of almost 376.9 million children […]
Experiential and Interactive Teaching
The teacher plays one of the most important roles in the educational process. His interaction with students entrusts him with the responsibility of adapting the teaching based on the era we are living and the new tools it provides. Education needs a form of teaching that is in line with the demands and new orientations […]