Understanding innovation
While innovation has become a pervasive term, many of today’s organizations still find innovation elusive. One reason may be that much of what is being said about innovation contributes to misunderstanding. To truly manifest innovation and reap its benefits, one must recognize that innovation is three different things: innovation is an outcome, innovation is a […]
A Revolution at the Organisation’s Core: Millennials
How do organisations strategise to create a sound and functional workforce? In this article, the authors present how various companies and businesses restructured the workplace and devise new methods and work culture to keep up with the demands of the new generations. While millennials account for 34% of the workforce in the United States (see […]
Fun & Games: Business Models for Innovation
While many brilliant ideas come from start-ups with unsustainable business models, well-established firms suffer from an inability to innovate, especially in regulated industries. The innovation paradox can be overcome by applying the right business model: 1) Fun & Games, which ignores regulations; 2) Hide & Seek, which exploits regulatory ambiguities; and 3) Carnival Rides, which […]