Marketing Strategy

Brand Like a Rockstar: Marketing Strategies from Musicians Who Built Global Empires

While technology disrupts industries, icons thrive through intimate connections with die-hard fans. Marketing pioneers inspire mass loyalties like exclusive communities through charisma, authenticity, and interactive experiences translating beyond typical demographics. Engagement starts with emotive authenticity. Raw vulnerability and artistic evolution cultivate devoted envoys evangelizing independently. Carefully curated social profiles flaunt charisma and backstory. Teasers retain […]

How to better define a brand niche

Niche marketing is a strategy that is often overlooked. It can be the key to success for small businesses and start-ups who are trying to get their brand out there. Niche marketing means choosing a specific market or audience segment and targeting that particular group with your product or service. A brand niche will help […]

Brand Like a Rockstar: Marketing Strategies from Musicians Who Built Global Empires

While technology disrupts industries, icons thrive through intimate connections with die-hard fans. Marketing pioneers inspire mass loyalties like exclusive communities through charisma, authenticity, and interactive experiences translating beyond typical demographics. Engagement starts with emotive authenticity. Raw vulnerability and artistic evolution cultivate devoted envoys evangelizing independently. Carefully curated social profiles flaunt charisma and backstory. Teasers retain […]

How to better define a brand niche

Niche marketing is a strategy that is often overlooked. It can be the key to success for small businesses and start-ups who are trying to get their brand out there. Niche marketing means choosing a specific market or audience segment and targeting that particular group with your product or service. A brand niche will help […]

Marketing solutions for SMEs

Today SMEs are facing intense competition, especially with the rapid development of e-commerce driven by big international companies. Thus it is evident that they need to come up with smart, innovative, and original marketing ideas. Being physically present no longer guarantees sales, as many SMEs had to find out the hard way during the recent […]

Tips for good business communication

Communication is key to organizational success. It is a keystone of business and team culture. Communication ensures that everyone has the same vision and a shared understanding of a company’s goals. The importance of communication in the workplace can therefore not be overstated. Without good communication, it becomes difficult to plan tasks and projects, establish […]

The Abuse of Dominant Market Position via Tied Sales (the Microsoft Case)

The objectιve of this article is to analyze, mainly in the light of economic theory, how companies abuse their dominant position in the market, and specifically via the practice of tying / tied sales. Read our previous article to understand when a company holds a dominant position in the market. The topic is extremely current […]

A Guide to Strategy in Marketing and How It Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

What is a Strategy and Why Should Marketing & Businesses Use It? A marketing strategy is a set of marketing tactics that when implemented, align with the business goals. A marketing strategy can be used in different ways. It can be used for different types of marketing tasks such as: generating leads, increasing customer loyalty, […]

Luxury in Times of Covid-19: How Should Brands React to Global Pandemic?

Every year brings a long list of challenges and new trends in the business world, forcing companies to adapt quickly to new situations. However this year, perhaps more than any other year before,  people and businesses are staring at the future, hoping to gain insights into what would be the the “new normal”. The Covid-19 […]

Small businesses and e-commerce: A difficult undertaking

During the past months, and especially after the outbreak of the Coronavirus, the trend of online shopping has increased a lot. Because of the restriction measures and the consecutive lockdown decisions, it has been made easier and more preferable to shop online. Not only the fashion industry, but also supermarkets, toy stores, pharmacies and cosmetic […]

Black Friday: Help your customers adapt to the new era

As we are heading to the end of November, Black Friday has already arrived! Typically, we can imagine thousands of people rushing to the local/mall stores stuck next to each other at the line, to make their purchases at the lowest prices. However, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, we are facing one of the […]

Dominant market position: when a firm holds it and how it can abuse it

When does a company hold a dominant position in the market? How can it abuse its dominant position? According to economic theory, companies with a very high market share are called dominant in their markets. The existence of a dominant position results from the contribution of many factors which, taken individually, might not be decisive. […]