How to improve your communication skills
Many of us, both ordinary people and communication professionals, often wonder -each for our own reasons- how we could improve our communication skills. This thought prompted me to create a series of courses for business executives in order to exchange views on this particularly important topic. The steps listed below I think to provide a […]
How to get communication skills to inspire others in life and work
Effective communication is an important aspect of personal and professional success. It helps us form relationships, express our ideas and resolve conflicts. Improving your communication skills takes effort and practice, but the rewards are huge. In this article, we will explore various Strategies and techniques to improve your communication skills so you can communicate clearly […]
The effect of Ethics and Culture on Parenting
Numerous researches emphasize the vital role of parenting in children’s development (Kuppens & Ceulemans, 2019; Botdorf et al., 2019). Based on Anderson (2011), parenting entails parenting practices that are the “concrete behaviors” and parenting styles which are the stable characteristics that constitute ‘emotional climate’. Barber (1996) had identified two parenting dimensions that reflect on parenting […]
How Parenting Styles and Parenting Practices related into Children’s School Achievement
From the begging of humankind, the role parents implement on their children’s development and educational growth, is fundamental and numerous of researches had studied direct and indirect effects on plenty variants as children temperament, socioeconomical background, ethnicity, education, culture etc. on this field (Checa & Abundis-Guitiérrez, 2017; Trentacosta & Mulligan, 2020). Psychologist intended to find […]
Reverse perspectives and WALK the extra mile
Have you ever experienced intolerable pressure at work? Can you recall how you felt or the plethora of the thoughts you had? How have you responded and dealt with that difficulty? What did you learn from that experience? “Walk the extra mile” is considered mostly as a managerial expression that means go beyond one’s ability […]
What self-regulation actually is …
Self-regulation has become progressively an interesting and popular topic in psychological science in the last decades. More and more scientists claim the important contribution of self-regulation from early life to adulthood. Self-regulation is a learned behavior that allows us to interact and communicate with other people. Self-regulation is involving the brain’s part known as the […]
Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation in the learning context
(Before that, please read part A) Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are highly correlated with the learning process. Some scientists argue that emphasizing external rewards, grades, or scholarships for example, would result in weakening learner’s intrinsic motivation. Others support that extrinsic motivation increases intrinsic motivation and contributes on enhancing learner’s performance in class (Bray & McClaskey, […]
Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation
Although motivation is one of the most important factors on individual’s behavior, little is known in this field and only in the last decades scientists are putting an effort to shed light on this significant element of human construct and performance. In accordance to self-determination theory SDT (Ryan & Deci 2000), there are two types […]
Work fluidity in the 21st century
During the past decades, the needs of the labor market, as well as the work trends were implying a simple career path: one’s profession was entirely determined by their field of studies. The job market seemed accessible enough, and the career opportunities were specific. Accountants, salespeople, lawyers, and teachers were some typical professions. Of course, […]
The psychology of people during lockdown
When the Covid-19 pandemic started last year, little was known about the impact that lockdowns could have on the population on such a large scale. The constant confinement and restriction of movement has caused discomfort, anxiety, and fear to thousands of people. Some people experience depression, while others look for a way out by using […]