Communication and alternative Advertising

Within the general concept of Communication, its relationship with standard corporate image-making practices is being introduced. The most widespread practice is undoubtedly advertising, which – using both classical and modern techniques – is chosen by most businesses as a proven (?) mechanism to achieve the desired goal. The content of the term ‘Advertising’ is broad, […]

The Best Leaders Are Great Teachers

Kundapur Vaman Kamath was a teacher. But he didn’t work at a school or stand in front of a class. Instead, he delivered his lessons at the office—to the employees who served under him during his four decades as a senior executive at, and then CEO of, India’s ICICI Bank. Whether he was offering tips […]

Communication and Effective Teaching

The previous article in this series examined some important concepts related to ‘teaching’ and ‘learning’. In this article we take a short look at the role of communication in teaching. The article aims to make readers more aware of the importance of communication in teaching, and hopes to give some ideas of how readers can […]

Understanding innovation

While innovation has become a pervasive term, many of today’s organizations still find innovation elusive. One reason may be that much of what is being said about innovation contributes to misunderstanding. To truly manifest innovation and reap its benefits, one must recognize that innovation is three different things: innovation is an outcome, innovation is a […]

How to Stop Delegating and Start Teaching

As a college professor, I regularly train PhD students. In psychology and most fields of science, students are assigned to a project early on in their studies and learn key skills through an apprenticeship model. Many go on to projects related to more specific research goals, and are eventually taught to design their own studies […]

Reinventing Marketing to Manage the Environmental Imperative

Marketers in the past have based their strategies on the assumption of infinite resources and zero environmental impact. With the growing recognition of finite resources and high environmental costs, marketers need to reexamine their theory and practices. They need to revise their policies on product development, pricing, distribution, and branding. The recent financial meltdown has […]

Fun & Games: Business Models for Innovation

While many brilliant ideas come from start-ups with unsustainable business models, well-established firms suffer from an inability to innovate, especially in regulated industries. The innovation paradox can be overcome by applying the right business model: 1) Fun & Games, which ignores regulations; 2) Hide & Seek, which exploits regulatory ambiguities; and 3) Carnival Rides, which […]