Internet of Things: The future of technology now

First of all, let’s start with a clear and simple definition of the “Internet of things”. In reality, we are talking about the connection of devices through the internet and the ability of them to receive, transfer and exchange data without human interference. In order to understand that, just imagine having the capability of turning off your TV using your smartphone or handling any device in your house during your absence. 

Actually the Internet of Things( IoT) is here to change our view of life forever. As long as technology devices, which the IoT consists of, are now accessible to an enormous number of people due to their affordable prices, this change is being hastened. In other words, the IoT was nothing more than an abstract notion a few years ago  but today it is a reality and ready to play a vital role in almost all disciplines. At this point it is worth mentioning that until 2025 about 45 billion devices are predicted to be a part of the IoT. It is an absolutely astonishing and unbelievable number. 

On the other hand, it would be wise to consider whether  the complete utilization of the IoT is possible. It is obvious that it is impossible to connect all devices. As a result, the complete use of the IoT is restricted. Another considerable factor that has to be examined is the possible security issues behind this new invention. As in most cases everything related to the internet can be hacked and the IoT is not an exception. We should not forget that there are several examples of data loss, such as personal passwords, images, videos etc.. In addition, the issue of observation is at stake, as well. If you do not feel so safe when you use the camera of your smartphone or of your personal computer just imagine what will probably happen if all your devices are connected in order to make some procedures, such as taking something to drink from your fridge, easier for you. It is obvious that the danger of privacy violation is more evident than ever.

In conclusion, we can safely say that the Internet of Things is here to stay and its advent brings a revolution in technology. The future will prove if all the issues coming along with the IoT can be overcome and as a result our lives change forever.

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