Development of an application for Innovatebiz by FOCUS-ON GROUP
Dear friends, colleagues, and associates, On behalf of our projects, My name is Teacher and Innovatebiz (European and Greek pillar) we would like to give thanks in public to our supporter FOCUS-ON GROUP, President Nicolas Ziakas, and his team for their support of our projects. We praise the ethos, sensitivity, and professionalism of the people […]

What about Software-Defined Networks?
A considerable number of people have never heard of Software-Defined Networks (SDN). That is why we are going to analyze this technology thoroughly via this article. To begin with, computer networks play a crucial role in today’s societies. All these services that are provided by the internet such as social media, search engines, e-commerce services […]

Gamification: A new world is about to open
First and foremost, how about a world based on video games’ techniques and strategies? This world is exactly what gamification introduces. To be more clear and specific about what gamification is, we can just say that it is the application of notions related to video games in fields that have no connection with them. In […]