Nikos Kaklamanos: The teacher who is an example to follow!

We were delighted to learn about the initiative of our colleague Mr. Fotis Pantopoulos, who -as head of the E-learning Team of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Thessaly, Greece- publicly praised Mr. Nikolaos Kaklamanos for his many years of contribution to education and training of teachers in New Technologies.

Mr. Kaklamanos is a philologist specialized in New Technologies of Education with about three decades of teaching experience in private and public education. Today, he works at a Lyceum of Argyroupoli in Athens, delivering philological courses, while at the same time he has been a teachers’ trainer for many years in the field of New Technologies. He is especially dear to his students and colleagues, because -as we read in their feedback- he is the Man and the Teacher who rushes with a smile to always help anyone in need and solve problems with his knowledge and experience.

Innovatebiz, as a European project aimed at promoting innovation and new knowledge, could not be absent from such an initiative, especially when it comes to promoting the work of people who have linked their action to supporting young people and building a better future. We therefore support the initiative to pay public praise to Mr. Nikolaos Kaklamanos and congratulate him on his continuοus selfless contribution. Congratulations!!!

The Innovatebiz Team

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