It is obvious that coronavirus has caused plenty of problems in all fields and disciplines. At this point, a new technology comes which is called Internet of Things (IoT). As we have said in previous articles, IoT is the connection between a lot of devices without the interference of humans. In this article we will analyze the significant role of IoT in the interception of coronavirus’ pandemic.
It is crucial to begin with the role of IoT in the field of education. As it is easily understandable lots of education methods can be implemented without the help of IoT. It is a fact that the procedure of teaching-learning has been turned into something completely different during covid-19 pandemic compared to the past. Thanks to IoT the quality of teaching has not only remained the same but also become better since the neural systems of IoT help educational resources such as files, courses and labs be maintained permanently.
Another field where the role of IoT is irreplaceable is that of health. One of the facts that proves this position is the development of a wide variety of IoT-based architectures for patient monitoring and treatment provision. Regarding Covid-19 pandemic it has to be mentioned that thanks to many IoT-based systems the curb has been flattened. In addition, another remarkable invention is that of a smart helmet which detects coronavirus’ cases among the crowd.
Now, we will examine some IoT applications and implementations which prove the indisputable contribution of IoT to the treatment of Covid-19. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) proposed an IoT-based software for escaping covid-19 hotspots. This system is called S-Nav and recommends safe paths within a road network away from covid-19 hotspots. Another IoT-based system proposed by IEEE is a Humanoid Software for the recognition and diagnosis of Covid-19 cases. This software is a mobile robotic system which provides a diagnostic trial that checks whether an individual is infected by coronavirus or not.The Humanoids use the framework for real-time data detection and processing through machine learning generated by various sensors used in the framework.
The most remarkable extension of IoT is IoHT (Internet of Health Things) which aims to connect patients to healthcare facilities. IoHT uses a communication infrastructure in order to monitor and control vital signs of the human body. A portal is created where patients interact with doctors and treatment is provided remotely. Obviously, the advantage of using a safe IoHT system is that doctors do not come into direct contact with patients, thus avoiding the spread of the virus.
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, monitoring it can be very difficult. More and more measures are being taken by governments, but nothing seems to be enough to control this unprecedented pandemic. After analyzing some of IoT implementations exclusively for the interception of Covid-19 pandemic we can safely say that without the help of IoT the situation would have been much worse. Through all these new technologies that are introduced early diagnosis and social distance are achieved and in this way we can hope that things will change in the foreseeable future. Of course, it is blatant that IoT technologies can be used in future pandemics.