How Parenting Styles and Parenting Practices related into Children’s School Achievement
From the begging of humankind, the role parents implement on their children’s development and educational growth, is fundamental and numerous of researches had studied direct and indirect effects on plenty variants as children temperament, socioeconomical background, ethnicity, education, culture etc. on this field (Checa & Abundis-Guitiérrez, 2017; Trentacosta & Mulligan, 2020). Psychologist intended to find […]

What self-regulation actually is …
Self-regulation has become progressively an interesting and popular topic in psychological science in the last decades. More and more scientists claim the important contribution of self-regulation from early life to adulthood. Self-regulation is a learned behavior that allows us to interact and communicate with other people. Self-regulation is involving the brain’s part known as the […]

Emotional Data: Is it the next big thing towards Customer Experience Improvement?
Is Emotional Data the next big thing in customer experience improvement? This article aims to examine how the way companies measure and collect emotional data could improve customer experience. In today’s fast forward consumption-driven economy, more and more companies are making major investments in optimizing the customer experience that is delivered to their customer. Most […]