Joanna Skiftou (Photographer): “Follow your dreams wholeheartedly!!! Respect everyone and everything!!!”

What a pleasure to feature an intimate interview with Joanna Skiftou, a master and romantic photographer that creates by heart. Having achieved a respectable position among the best photographers, Joanna talks about her exciting career, the long but challenging journey, and the ways she keeps herself motivated. Joanna wants not just to make pretty photos; […]


“In an amazing conversation with Michaella, a dynamic and open-minded woman, who started working as a celebrant in Greece several years ago we learned about the relatively recent trend in Greece’s wedding industry that still few are aware of”. Μichaella Chatziangelou Michaella’s Ceremonies How long have you been in business and how did you get started? Actually, […]

KONSTANTINOS DENDRINOS (UNIPERFECT): “I am a strong believer in Lifelong Learning”!

We speak with Konstantinos Dendrinos, co-founder of the Education Center startup UNIPERFECT. Driven by the passion to deliver consistent excellence he works towards the principal purpose of offering a holistic approach in the field of supplementary education and test preparation. With a vision to leverage the learning experience, the well-promised startup is committed to better-personalized […]

ZOI LIOLIOU (Business Coach and Writer): Coaching in Action!

In a very interesting conversation with Business Coach and writer Zoi Lioliou -one of the certified (EMCC) Coaching professionals in Greece- we got a better insight into the importance and benefits of Coaching in enlightening our lives. With a passion for helping small business owners improve cooperation with human resources (i.e. employees, customers, suppliers, etc) […]

ANNA POLICHRONIDOU (APOLLONION BAKERY): “Respect for the consumer and the product quality”!

In an exclusive conversation with Anna Polichronidou, HR Training and Development Manager of APOLLONION BAKERY, one of the largest Bakery Businesses in Greece, revealed various aspects of her key role in company growth. Anna had gathered more than 15 years of extensive experience in large organizations and had thrilled in developing business and building strong […]

The effect of Ethics and Culture on Parenting

Numerous researches emphasize the vital role of parenting in children’s development (Kuppens & Ceulemans, 2019; Botdorf et al., 2019). Based on Anderson (2011), parenting entails parenting practices that are the “concrete behaviors” and parenting styles which are the stable characteristics that constitute ‘emotional climate’. Barber (1996) had identified two parenting dimensions that reflect on parenting […]

How Parenting Styles and Parenting Practices related into Children’s School Achievement

From the begging of humankind, the role parents implement on their children’s development and educational growth, is fundamental and numerous of researches had studied direct and indirect effects on plenty variants as children temperament, socioeconomical background, ethnicity, education, culture etc. on this field (Checa & Abundis-Guitiérrez, 2017; Trentacosta & Mulligan, 2020). Psychologist intended to find […]

Reverse perspectives and WALK the extra mile

Have you ever experienced intolerable pressure at work? Can you recall how you felt or the plethora of the thoughts you had? How have you responded and dealt with that difficulty? What did you learn from that experience? “Walk the extra mile” is considered mostly as a managerial expression that means go beyond one’s ability […]