General didactics

COOPERATION ANNOUNCEMENT between “My name is Teacher”, “Innovatebiz” and “Institute of Management of Manmade and Natural Disasters P.N.C.P.C.M.”

Dear friends, After a long course of more than three decades in the fields of Education, Entrepreneurship, and Security, during which your support has been a determining factor for the continuation of the project and its current form, we are -after many important steps in the last three years- pleased to announce another important collaboration: […]

Didactics: 5 Critical Issues that You Need to Look Out For

Challenges of didactics and its importance on a higher education system When teaching a class, teachers have to make sure that they are following the right method. This helps them understand the content and make it as easy to digestible for their students. The problem with traditional methods is that they involve providing a lot […]

How Teachers Can Improve their Teaching Style by Utilizing New Technology

What is a Learning Management System? A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software that provides a digital space in which people can learn and share information. LMSs are designed to make sure that the individual has a safe environment for their learning. It manages their progress, tracks their performance, and offers feedback to help […]

Free training in Public Speaking by Innovatebiz in Greece

Innovatebiz invites 10 people for free training in Public Speaking. This is the first seminar on this topic offered by Innovatebiz, starting from Greece. The duration of the first level of the training is 3 months. Participants will obtain training on preparing, analyzing, and presenting various topics, related to their business object, as well as […]

Theories of Learning and Innovation in Didactics

Learning is a particularly important mechanism for the development of every subject and can be defined as a process that allows for the acquisition of new concepts and information, a behavioral modification that supports the change. Throughout history, different perspectives have attempted to describe and define such a complex mechanism: from those more focused on […]