Classrooms in education through COVID-19

It is a well-known fact that the spread of the COVID-19 virus has already affected a huge amount of human activities, especially the ones that require physical interaction. Education has received a huge shock, as of March 12, since twenty-six countries have completely closed schools nationwide, affecting the learning process of almost 376.9 million children […]

The Covid-19 effect on E-commerce and Online Trends

What’s the impact of Covid-19 on E-commerce and online trends? Definitely, Covid-19 global pandemic will be one of the defining events of 2020 and its implications will last well into the decade. Many governments enforced stay at home measures and social distancing, leading consumers towards online shopping, expanding e-commerce sales and differentiating online consumer trends. […]

Gamification: A new world is about to open

First and foremost, how about a world based on video games’ techniques and strategies? This world is exactly what gamification introduces. To be more clear and specific about what gamification is, we can just say that it is the application of notions related to video games in fields that have no connection with them.  In […]

Internet of Things: The future of technology now

First of all, let’s start with a clear and simple definition of the “Internet of things”. In reality, we are talking about the connection of devices through the internet and the ability of them to receive, transfer and exchange data without human interference. In order to understand that, just imagine having the capability of turning […]

SMEs and the EU: The Small Business Act

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the European framework. According to the European Commission, SMEs represent the 99% of all businesses within the EU and have immensely contributed to a series of economic and social aspects at a regional, national and international level. Employability, innovation, regional development, economies of scale, […]

Business Analytics: A new era in data science

Nowadays, the science of data is getting more and more popular and has been developed at a very large extent. First of all, data is being used in almost every field of all sciences. There are plenty of companies which are prone to the recruitment of data scientists in order to delve more into their […]